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Claresholm Public Library Website
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Claresholm Public Library

Location: 211 - 49th Avenue West, across from Amundsen Park, two blocks west of Highway #2. 

Monday:        11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday:       11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday:  11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thursday:      11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday:          11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday:      11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday:        Closed

Closed Saturdays of all statutory holidays (long weekends). Closed Saturdays
mid-June to Labour Day.

The Claresholm Public Library is a member of Chinook Arch Regional Library System, which enables provision of expanded information services and inter-library loans to the public.

Annual Membership Fees:

Resident Fees:
Adult (18 years & up) $15.00
Student (6-17)            No charge
Child (Birth-5)             No charge
Children may apply for a Library card in their own name. However, the Library mails overdue notices to the parent or guardian, who accepts the ultimate responsibility for material borrowed.
Unresolved book returns and fines will be assessed against membership renewals.

For the first 90 days of your initial membership you may borrow
up to seven items at a time. After the 90 days, there is no limit.

ooks and audio materials borrowed are signed out for a three week period.
Magazines have a one week loan period.

Loan periods may be extended:
On request, at the time material is borrowed, under special circumstances such
      as extended absence.
·         Renewals can be made either by phone or in person if the item is NOT "on hold"
      for someone else.
·         By yourself through the Internet.

ll materials can be returned to the Library at any time. A book deposit chute is available 24/7 for returns of all items. Overdue materials are assessed fines per item for each day that the item is returned past the date due. The fines are:
  $0.05 per day per item for all children and juvenile materials.
·       $0.10 per day per magazine.
·         $0.30 per day per item for all young adult and adult materials.
·         $0.30 per day per item for all videos and DVDs.

patron may place a hold on a particular item, which is in the Library System, but is in circulation or located in another member library. A hold request can be made several ways:
1.  By yourself at one of the workstations in the library;
2.  By yourself thru an outside Internet access computer;
3.  Ask the staff at the Circulation Desk.

You will be notified by phone or be e-mailed when it is in. We ask you to pick up your request as soon as possible as the "hold" is cancelled after 14 days.
To place holds yourself you will need a PIN. Please come in to the library to receive your PIN and we will show you how easy this it is to do.

n returning overdue materials, or reporting losses or damages, charges can be paid immediately at the Circulation Desk. Charges not paid will automatically accumulate. Borrowing privileges will be suspended until the amount owing is brought below the $10.00 limit. There are three kinds of notices which the Library will mail/e-mail out to you if your materials are not returned are not returned on time:

- OVERDUE NOTICE: a reminder will be sent when materials are 3 weeks overdue.
- FINE NOTICE: sent when your total fines owing add up to $10.00 and higher.
- BILL FOR REPLACEMENT: if the material is not returned within 60 days of the date due, the Library presumes it is lost. You will be charged the replacement cost and your borrowing privileges are suspended until the amount stated is paid. If the item is found at a later date, all money except the processing fee will be refunded.

The Claresholm Library offers a variety of programs for all ages. Please checkout upcoming programs on the Library’s website:

For people who have trouble with print-based materials or who find them difficult to read or hold - The Claresholm Library has equipment to help you.

Assistive Computer Station is equipped with a variety of devices that will help you search the Internet or use the computer. 

Merlin Video Magnifier: this is created for people with low vision.  With this machine you can place books, newspapers, letters, cards or other printed material on its base and display it on a magnifying screen. 

SARA (Scanning and Reading Appliance) this scans and reads aloud a variety of printed materials.  Speed, volume and voice characteristics can be adjusted to suit your needs.

DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) Readers and Audio Books  For patrons who are visional or print disabled, we have two Victor DAISY Readers and a collections of DAISY audio books for loan.

Special Rooms Within the Library:
Bill Simpson Room
- This room was created with money donated by the Claresholm Lions Club. It is available for meetings. Please contact the library staff for further information.
Jean Hoare Room
- Within this room is the  “Evelyn Lane Volstad Local History Collection” (archives for local histories and organizations), historical works pertaining to Alberta, microfilm reader and films of the local newspaper back to 1907 and a workstation for genealogy research.
Youth Zone
- This room has study areas and a computer for students to use for homework. 
Toy Lending Library
- Donations for the purchase of toys are still being accepted.

Phone: (403) 625-4168  Fax:   (403) 625-2939
Email: [email protected]
or Box 548, Claresholm, AB.  T0L 0T0


The Claresholm Public Library serves and broadens the horizons of its community
by fostering literacy,  encouraging recreational reading, providing information, and stimulating an interest in culture, science, current events and history.
