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Town of Claresholm

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Development & Permits

The Development Permit is a document issued by the Town that authorizes the construction of a development and includes the plans and applicable conditions of approval. The approval process guides ‘what’ goes ‘where’ on a property. New construction, signs, and ‘change of intensity of use’ (e.g. house to duplex, or new business location) usually require a permit, though there are exceptions. A number of things don't require a permit but must still meet Land Use Bylaw requirements for things such as setback from property line, height restrictions, visibility, and site coverage. Refer to the Land Use Bylaw for more information.

A building permit is a document issued by the Town's
Safety Codes Officer (formerly Building Inspector) that authorizes construction. Building inspection is a legal requirement of the Safety Codes Act, ensuring that the construction meets the requirements of the Alberta Building Code and is as per the specifications outlined in the building permit application.

Development Permits

Q: When do I need to obtain a Development Permit?     

The following will require you to obtain a Permit (source: MGArsa2000 Chapter M-26):
(1) an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them,
(2) a building or an addition to or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing of any of them on, in, over or under land,
(3) a change of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or building, or
(4) a change in the intensity of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or building;

(1) The carrying out of works of maintenance or repair to any building, if such works do not include structural alterations or major works of renovation.
(2) The completion of a building which was lawfully under construction at the date of the first publication of the official notice required by section 606 of the Act, provided that:

(a) the building is completed in accordance with the terms of any permit granted by the Council or any board in respect of it and subject to the conditions to which that permit was granted; and
(b) the building, whether or not a permit was granted in respect of it, is completed within a period of 12 months from the date of the first publication of the official notice.

(3) The use of any building referred to in section 2 (above) for the purpose of which construction was commenced.
(4) The erection or construction of buildings, works, plant or machinery needed in connection with operations for which a development permit has been issued, for the period of those operations.
(5) The maintenance and repair of public works, services and utilities carried out by or on behalf of federal, provincial, municipal or public authorities on land which is publicly owned or controlled.


Q: How much does a Development Permit cost?
The cost of the permit is determined by the estimated project value. The fee structure based on the project value is $5.00 for the first thousand and $1.00 for each additional thousand dollars of estimated construction value. A permit cost for a fence is $10.00. A non-refundable fee of $50.00 shall accompany every application to the Municipal Planning Commission for discretionary applications.


Q: How do I get licensed as a Home Occupation?
Fill out the application and submit to the Town Office. Once the application has been received, a letter will be sent to all adjacent land owners to notify them of the proposed development. The application, along with comments collected from adjacent land owners will be reviewed by the Municipal Planning Commission, which  will either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. If they choose to approve the application, with or without conditions, an advertisement will be placed in the local newspaper and on the Town website.


The general public will have approximately 17 days to appeal the development. The appeal must, at this point, include an appeal fee of $300.00. The appeal may be made in writing to the Town Office. If there are no objections to the development, or if the appeals have been satisfactorily dealt with, the development may go ahead. At which point you purchase your Home Occupation Business License from the Town Office for the annual fee of $100.00.


Q. When do I need to apply for a Building Permit and how much will it cost?
The Town of Claresholm contracts Superior Safety Codes to process permit applications and to do the required inspections. Building permit applications can be picked up at the Town Office. We will also courier your application package to Superior Safety Codes for processing. The fee structure is based on the estimated project value and is as follows:

• $75 minimum (e.g. a permit for a project valued at $17,000. would cost $75)
• $4 / $1,000 of project value (e.g. a permit for a project valued at $75,000 would cost $300).

In addition to the permit fee illustrated above, payable to Superior Safety Codes by credit card or cheque there is a  3.5 % ($4.00 minimum) Safety Codes Council Levy that will be included in the permit fee. For more information, please contact Richard Pitsol, Superior Safety Codes staff member for the area, Richard Pitsol,  Cell 403-999-8552, Calgary office at 1-888-717-2344 or Fax Richard direct at 403-345-4384.

For more information, please contact the Development Officer at (403) 625-3381.
Please forward any questions regarding development issues not answered within to our Development Department. 